New Quests hit the metaverse

1 min read


The next set of creations from the first round of quest-making hit the metaverse this week, adding brand new challenges to SteamPunk and Drink of the Gods quests. Remember, there’s exclusive POAPs up for grabs in each.

Simply head to Genesis Plaza and hit the rocket icon in the bottom right hand corner of the window and follow the instructions to get questing!

Check out the new quests…

ethermon-quest Ethermon Quests (76,39)Use your mons to complete various actions to receive bonuses in the Ethermon game. All will be repeatable once per day. This quest can be played on any Ethermon scene in Decentraland.
dragon-city-tagrm-quest Dragon City Tangram Quest (98,-88)There is a magical tangram in Dragon City. If you possess it, you will have the power to summon objects. The seven parts of the tangram symbolize the six continents of Dragon City plus the adventurer.
steampunk Polygonal Coin Hunt (22,-102)Hunt down all the coins scattered throughout different scenes developed by Polygonal Mind.

Already live…

the-drink-of-the-gods The Drink of the Gods (0,0)Created by the Decentraland Foundation, you need to find the ingredients that create an elixir that’s out of this world.
steampunk SteamPunk by DappCraft (39,12)Brave metaverse traveller Anna needs your help! Assist her in a quest to fix her watch and receive a reward.

There are more quests to follow so stay tuned to the blog and socials for updates.

Coming soon we’ll post an in-depth look at the mechanics of the quest-making tool and how you will be able to use it to create amazing new experiences for the Decentraland community.

And if you’d like to be included in the next closed round of Quest creations, email your proposal to [email protected]


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